Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Conversation with My Kid about the Military Alphabet

Recently, Shannon has been watching the TV series NCIS on DVD, and she has become quite knowledgeable on the military terms that they use on the show.  She has even been using the military alphabet on some of her facebook status updates. We were talking about this on the way home from school today.

Me: “So what is with this military ABC’s thing that you have become obsessed with?”

Shan: “I don’t know! I just think it’s so cool. I have them memorized.  Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf…”

Me: “Golf? Like, ‘hit the ball into a hole with a stick’ golf?”

Shan: “Yes. I know, it’s random. Anyway. Where was I before you interrupted? Rude.”

Me: “Sorry. You were on H.”

Shan: “Hotel, India, Juliet…”

Me: “Juliet? Like Romeo and?”

Shan: “Yes, and if you listen you will learn that Romeo is coming up.”

Me: “Oh. Sorry. Go ahead.”

Shan: “Kilo, Lima…”

Me: “Like BEANS?”

Shan: “I. Am. Going. To. Hurt. You.”

Me: “Sorry.”

Shan: “Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform… I can’t remember V.”

Me: “Skip it and keep going.”

Shan: “Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu. What is V?  Sh*t!”

Me: “I doubt that’s it.”

(By the time we got home she remembered it was Victor.) J

Friday, August 6, 2010

Random Conversation with My Kid about Name Brands

Went back-to-school shopping with Shannon today and as usual, we had a blast. Plus we found lots of bargains at Treasure Mart and Ross.

I reminded Shan of a shopping trip about a year ago; we were at one of those “high end” type thrift stores.  I picked up a purse and excitedly said, “GUESS!”  Shan replied: “I got this one. It’s a POCKETBOOK.”