Thursday, August 6, 2009

Random Conversation with My Kid about Architecture

We were driving through Angier for the first time in a while and noticed the new ABC store on main street. Seriously? It’s huge.

Shannon said, “Dang. Because we WANT to see our liquor stores from OUTER freaking SPACE. Geesh!”

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Random Conversation with My Kid about the News

Sitting in the living room and the telly is on as usual. When it's turned on, it defaults to the channel 14 news and no one has moved it to another station yet.

After a few minutes, Shannon says, “This is why I don’t like to watch the news: Death. Death. Explosion. Rapist. Didn't anything GOOD happen in the world today? I'm going back to my room where TV is happy and full of sitcoms and SpongeBob.”