Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Random Conversation with My Kid about Personalities

Shan and I have some of our best chats while driving. The other day, on the way to school, we somehow got to talking about split personalities.

Me: “A lot of people say they have an ‘evil twin.’ I think I have ‘evil triplets.’”

Shan: “Perhaps you could be on a soap opera, or the latest reality show.”

Me: “I've noticed over the years that people are more interesting if they are nice at the core but also have an evil streak.”

Shan: “I think I'm evil with a nice streak.”

Me: “I think I'm worried now!”

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Random Conversation with My Kid about Language

Shannon: “Have you ever noticed that English people speak English better than other people speak English?”

Me: “Maybe it’s because they like, invented the language?”

Shannon: “Or maybe because the word 'English' is in their name.”